Monday, August 26, 2013

Jett's major milestones so far

It's hard to believe Jett is already 8 months old! It's crazy how fast it goes. I know every mom says that but it is so true. I watched it happen with Bryer too. I wish I could slow down time because I want to savor every moment while he is still small. I love watching how he changes and capturing his growth and development. It is fascinating.

At 2 weeks old he slept all. the. time.

At 3 months he was holding his head up well during tummy time

At 5 months he was rolling over

At 6 months he started solids and began pulling himself up on his hands and knees to prepare for crawling
Now at 8 months- he is crawling everywhere and pulling himself up!
I will go more into detail on Jett's 8 month update which will be up next!

My experience as a mommy of two

Being a mommy of two for me has been quite a crazy adjustment. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of it though..kind of. So as a result, I haven't blogged in what seems like forever. Anyway,  I really wanted to write about my experience so far as a mommy of two- doing it alone. Hoping that in some way, I might be able to help another mom who is going through something similar.

As the newest member of our little family, Jett has brightened our days and I can't imagine life without him. He is truly a special gift from God. It hasn't been easy having a baby and a toddler while my husband is away working. Let me just say, It's been really hard. The hardest thing I've ever done. But I have come to find that the hardest things in life are usually the best and most rewarding. And so completely worth it. That gives me comfort, and the strength to keep going.

It's been a little over a year since my husband CJ started traveling. My oldest daughter Bryer was 18 months old and I was pregnant with Jett. I just remember being so exhausted all the time from chasing Bryer around since she was just getting to that energetic toddler stage. At 33 weeks I was put on bed rest due to pre term labor contractions so CJ was able to stay home with us throughout the rest of my pregnancy. When Jett was just a couple weeks old he was off on the road again. So there I was, alone with a newborn and an almost two year old. The. Scariest. Time. Ever. 

Looking back, that was definitely the most challenging time. It's kind of a blur from being so sleep deprived. Everything was just harder. Trying to do everything and be everything at once with no help, taking care of two babies needs plus my own. Still to this day, being out in public with both of them is a night mare. I remember trying so hard to make it look like I wasn't struggling when I just could not even fake it. I didn't want people to help me and I didn't want them to know I was having a hard time. I thought that since it should have been the happiest time in my life and I had so much to be thankful for, I should have been happy, and I should have had it all together. But I wasn't quite there yet.

I've come a long way since then. I've learned a lot, grown a lot; because of that. So although that time in my life was very difficult, scary, and is a blessing to me now. It's still hard, and in some ways harder, but in a different way. I'm more comfortable on my own now, have more confidence, and a positive attitude. I look to heavenly father in all things and I know that he is here with me and that I'm not ever really alone, as I have felt his love and comfort many times in my darkest hours. He is my light and will never leave my side.

Jett is 8 months old now and Bryer is two and a half. Jett is sleeping a lot less and getting around pretty good while Bryer is very active, stubborn, and independent. Oh my word, that girl is a handful, lol. If I leave them alone together in a room for even a second I hear screaming and I have to quickly  come pull Bryer off of Jett or Jetts hands out of Bryers hair. Lol, that part has been harder for sure. Getting them to sleep is the next big issue. I try to get Bryer to look at books quietly while I put Jett to sleep but that doesn't always work and they end up keeping each other up until we all just crash. Therefore, I can never count on having time to myself, which is the next biggest issue. From the time we get up to the time they go to sleep I am working non stop. Cooking breakfast, snacks, lunch, naps, activities, dinner, bathes, bedtime the end of the day I am seriously exhausted. Sometimes I feel like a zombie because I am always tired. I can't remember the last time I got a full nights rest. They both sleep with me because its just easier with CJ being gone. I like to be close to them both. But it does affect my quality of sleep.

I definitely am not a perfect mom; I have my moments- I lose my patience, I make mistakes. But I learn and I try harder, and always improve. The mother I want to strive to be each day is gentle, loving, patient, and prepared. Even though they can drive me crazy at times, and challenge me daily, they teach me. I learn from them just as much as they learn from me. They are my world.

Our plan was for him to travel for a year and then transfer to a stationary position. He is applying for a stationary position right now so we are just hoping and praying that it goes through and we can all be together soon. Having him home for a couple days and then leaving for a month is getting old. It's hard on all of us. I'm sick of being a single mom and my kids need their dad.

So hopefully this isn't too jumbled and sorry this is so long! It's almost 2 am and I'm tired, but I felt inspired to share this experience. Thanks for reading and remember that some of the hardest things in life are worth the struggle. : )

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letter to Bryer

To my beautiful baby girl on her 2nd birthday:

You are & always will be my sweet little angel. I know it hasn't been easy for you at times but I am so proud of how well you are adjusting to having a new baby in our family. You are truly the best big sister anyone could ever ask for. Jett is very lucky to have you to look up to, to learn from, & to be loved by you.

You're only two years old but I've known your bold personality since the first day I held you in my arms and looked into those beautiful big eyes. You are so full of life. When I look at you I know that you were built for these last days by our loving Heavenly Father.

I can still remember sitting in the doctors office listening to your heart beat before I met you. It was so strong. I can still hear the sound & I still remember exactly how it made me feel. For the first time in my life something was real. I was going to be a mommy. Thank you for giving me that name.

I am so truly blessed & honored to be your mom. You remind me everyday how to live life to it's fullest. You & Jett push me to be all I can be. I want nothing but the best for you both.

I love you more than you will ever know.

-Mommy- xoxo

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fun times & Bryer's second Halloween

A couple weekends ago Bryer & I took a trip down to Birch Tree for a pumpkin carving activity with family & friends. We had a great time! I'm glad we went. It isn't often that Bryer gets to see her grandpa and I get to see my dad so this trip was extra special! We had a wonderful visit!

Today was Bryer's second Halloween! She had so much fun in her Dora the Explorer costume! I was just thinking how much things have changed. Two Halloweens ago I was pregnant with Bryer and we lived in Estherville.

The Halloween after that we had our little Bryer & we were in our second year at Estherville. She was a baby elephant! I can't believe this was a year ago! I remember I rushed home from my anatomy class that evening so I could take her trick or treating. :)

 And today, just one year later, she has evolved from a baby to a toddler! She was Dora. Unfortunitely CJ wasn't here to celebrate with us but we made the most of it together. I wanted to make sure this Halloween was as fun for her as I could. I think I succeeded because she was so happy today! She really did enjoy herself. Here's my beautiful girl! <3 br="br">

 I think she had the most fun dressing up & playing outside. She was a little nervous when we went trick or treating but she did great & I think she still enjoyed it. We went to a few houses on our street then came home to hand out candy. She loved going to the door and seeing all the costumes. We had a ton of trick or treaters!

 <3 p="p">

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

When summer fades autumn falls

I made it to my third trimester.  I have about two and a half months until our sweet little boy enters the world. It's hard to believe. I've been thinking about time lately, as the season has changed and as my heart comes closer to realizing the changes in my own life that lie ahead. Time is precious. It keeps moving forward and never stops or slows down. I wish I could hold onto every meaningful moment in my life, but beyond my control everything changes. That is something I've experienced again and again. So I've learned to keep the memories close to my heart and look forward to the moments I'll treasure tomorrow. In the meantime I've been enjoying one on one time with Bryer, as I know that this is the time to do so since we only have each other. I enjoy watching her as she grows. I love every little thing that she does and I adore the person she is. Her great big smile, the way she says please and thank you, and never fails to ask me if I'm okay. : ) I love her fascination with nature and her love for the outdoors. She is a brilliant human being and I am so blessed to have her in my life. She is so much like her daddy, someone who means the world to me as well. Every day she reminds me of him.

We were so blessed this passed week for the opportunity to get to spend a whole week together instead of just two days. It was so nice having him home. We even got the chance to do a fall pregnancy photo shoot out at the ranch. The weather cooperated nicely and the fall colors were gorgeous. My little sister Reyna came too, and helped out a lot with the shoot.

First, we went to the pond and fed the ducks. It was difficult to get a good shot with them because they would run away from Bryer, haha.

 She was completely content out there in the wide open field

 Here is some footage of Bryer. CJ had been waiting for that stare all day. She finally did it but he was recording!